Monday, August 25, 2014

Racism Persists

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Idiots (read: racists) without proper (re)training will remain idiots.
Why would I hire someone from an organization rife with incorrect behavior without that person going through retraining and psychological evaluation?
I'm afraid for our young men. They have targets on their backs just after their after birth has been discarded. The girls don't fare much better. They are thought of as mean and loud or objectified as a "T.H.O.T." (look it up) or a "B".
If the kid doesn't fit these stereotypes (and become President) they are thought to be "not like those others", until the occasion where they are placed in a corner causing their so called REAL selves to emerge then they are considered "N's" or thugs.
And the targets never fade. My family was in Cape May, NJ yesterday. After a 2.5 hr. car ride (no R55, Q44 buses,   Marta or Red line train) we watched the dolphins then went to eat. While eating a couple was seated next to us. Just after sitting the male asked the female if she was Ok with the seats and gave a nod and lip- point in our direction. The lady was oblivious to his gestures so they continued to sit there. Fool. We drove here just like you. We are spending money just like you. We are vacationing just like you. We are Americans JUST...LIKE...YOU!
Anyway, it doesn't matter  your pedigree, station in life, home training, education, where you live, etc. you are still considered an animal or something less than 5 fifths human. It probably won't stop but I wish that it would.
Stepping down

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