Sunday, November 4, 2012

Leaping Forward

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If you haven't already, this Tuesday, November 6th, 2012 is the day that you can express your right as a citizen of this country to vote. Don't be discouraged by long lines. Carry your I.D., voter's registration card and/or whatever your jurisdiction requires. This election is VERY IMPORTANT.

Don't be fooled by misleading calls, ads, texts, tweets, radio and tv spots geared to keep you from voting or voting for the WRONG person.. With that being said, YES, I voted for President Obama to have a second term. He needs another 4 years to really start seeing the fruits of his labor. Maybe after the dust clears he'll even get some help from the other side of the aisle.

Don't hate just ambulate to the polls Tuesday and be FORWARD thinking when you pull those levers.


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