Sunday, November 4, 2012

New Yorkers Unite

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To all those in the NNC{{{Hello, I coined that first here}}}, New York, New Jersey, Conneticut Tri-State area:

I pray comfort to those that lost loved ones and property. Your loved ones cannot be replaced but know that they are in a better place now. The property can be replaced. Don't sweat it. Do what you need to do now to get your life back to a place of normalcy.

Be patient with the authorities. This storm was huge and the effects even larger and will be long lasting. A catastrophe of this magnitude was not in anyone's emergency plans. Help your neighbors and people that you don't know. If you and yours are straight, volunteer to help others in areas that are still in need of shelter, food, gas, etc.

Your neighborhood, town, city will be rebuilt ...even better. Don't give in, don't give up.

Peace...from a Native New Yorker living just north of the mason dixon line.

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